Commercial Roofs in Dallas Texas

Do You Know Why Your Roof’s Drip Edge Must Be Done Right?

Often improperly installed or simply forgotten altogether, a drip edge is a critical element of any roof.

This strip of metal that hides under the edge of the roofing is instrumental in its purpose, which is to keep water rolling off the roof from soaking the facia and underside of [...]

By |2024-05-01T02:07:13-05:00|

How Do I Find A Qualified Roofer To Fix My Roof?

Finding a qualified local roofer can be a real challenge considering how many of them are out there.

To find one that will do a good job on a new roof or repairs, charge a fair price, and stand behind their work, start off by getting a few referrals from [...]

By |2024-05-01T02:11:22-05:00|

Which Is Better For A Commercial Roof – Asphalt Shingles or Cedar Shakes?

Cedar roofing is preferred by many over asphalt roofs for its natural appearance and traditional character.

As well-loved as cedar shakes may be, they are definitely at the higher end of the price scale for shingle roofing, causing many to pass on them.

Price aside, is one better than the [...]

By |2024-05-01T02:07:16-05:00|

Looking at Commercial Roofing Material – Is Any Really Sustainable?

The earth’s environment is suffering more each year due to pollution, destruction of habitats, and many other practices that are changing the planet forever.

In response to this problem, many manufacturers of building supplies including those producing commercial roofing materials have begun designing products that are more environmentally friendly.

The [...]

By |2024-05-01T02:07:17-05:00|

The Abundant Benefits of Commercial Tile Roofs!

Commercial tile roofs are exceptionally beautiful, adding great character to any home where they are installed; however, they are also expensive, certainly more so than a simple asphalt shingle roof.

So why even consider tile roofing, other than the appearance?

There are actually quite a few reasons why it’s worth [...]

By |2024-05-01T02:12:06-05:00|

Looking at Roofing Material – Are Any Really Sustainable?

The earth’s environment is suffering more each year due to pollution, destruction of habitats, and many other practices that are changing the planet forever.

In response to this problem, many manufacturers of building supplies including those producing roofing materials have begun designing products that are more environmentally friendly.

The question [...]

By |2024-05-01T02:08:34-05:00|

Wind Damage – What Can Wind Do To A Commercial Roof?

When the storm winds blow, will your commercial roofing be able to withstand it?

Depending on its condition, it may not.

While some strong winds can’t be stopped no matter how perfect your commercial roof may appear, there are factors that can contribute to wind damage and make it more [...]

By |2024-05-01T02:07:21-05:00|

Will Your Commercial Roofing Material Last A Long Time?

Commercial roofs are expensive, probably the most expensive single component on any building.

Costing tens of thousands of dollars even for a less expensive version, you surely want to invest in a roof that’s going to last a while.

Do you know how long yours will last?

Though every type [...]

By |2024-05-01T02:07:20-05:00|

It’s Almost Time For Spring Storms – Is Your Roof Ready?

Warmer weather is right around the corner, so it’s time to batten down those hatches before those springtime storms hit.

Since it’s the part of your commercial building likely to take the most abuse that could lead to needing repairs, is your roof ready?

Follow this easy checklist to give [...]

By |2024-05-01T02:07:21-05:00|

Tell Me How To Inspect My Commercial Roof!

Roofs in Dallas Texas

If you own a large building, you likely know that commercial roofs are a huge investment. Like anything else, you want to get your money’s worth from this investment and ensure it remains functional and protective as long as possible. The best way to do this is to [...]

By |2024-05-01T02:07:26-05:00|